Facetious Friday: Are You Serious

Former Van Halen front man Sammy Hagar seriously claims to have been abducted by aliens.

It’s true. Read it for yourself.

In similar news:

Joan Rivers is now denying all claims of ever having plastic surgery.

Tony Little claims he got into the shape he is in simply by using The Gazelle for 15 minutes 3 days per week.

Singer Beyonce admits to a 2 month love romp with Comedian Carrot Top in late 2004.

Your turn.

3 thoughts on “Facetious Friday: Are You Serious

  1. okay, I almost believed your Joan Rivers news for a second. she is a comedian, after all.

    As for Hagar, I mean, even if there are aliens, why would they come and abduct him? Axl Rose I could see, but not Hagar.

  2. dan akroyd did an entire documentary on aliens! its on netflix instant, he definitely believes it too.

    I heard a news story that Bono has admitted to not being cool.

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